There are many reasons to use a Property Management Company. I will address some of them here but trust me there are several great ones that more than outweigh the cost of a great Property Management Company.First a little about why I am a great person to write this. I was not always a licensed Realtor or Licensed Broker Associate. I too was a multiple home owner who handled leases myself to save the money. One of the reasons was I have several very successful Real Estate Brokers in my family.Most of the experiences below were mine and they are absolutely true as written.
You could write volumes about this. As a home owner you can do a lot of things to get a home ready for rent and think your problems are solved however, things happen. We all know that as home owner’s items come up that need repair. As you multiply the number of homes you own the number of things that happen increase. Especially with tenants as their life dynamics may not be as stable as yours and they may not be as gentle with or maintain the property as well as you do.You will get calls at all hours, on your days off and holidays. We have a client portal and a place for maintenance to be requested or scheduled. We do most things for you and that saves you a lot of time and inconvenience.Not to mention the potential stress is greatly reduced.
Scheduling repairs is a lot easier when you maintain a large inventory of rental properties. Most established Property Management Companies either have repairmen on staff or preferred vendors. We know their quality of work, pricing and availability. They want our business to be repeated and so we are the better choice to contact and schedule them. Most home owners are blindly calling hoping for a fair price and good service. We already have that covered.
There is an ancient curse I love to quote. It goes like this “may you live in interesting times”. How true that is and every tenant will be at one point more interesting than you might wish. Some will have “tells” that a professional property manager will notice and some will not. That is why we use a great contract even though professional tenants or the tenants which have proven to be troublesome will search out “For Rent By Owner”.
In everyday terms you get what you pay for. The more specific the lease the better and the lease has to be a lease which is legal in Florida. There are also county and city issues that can affect the lease you choose.
We have what is probably the best lease available in Florida today. The lease speaks volumes to a prospective tenant. An unprofessional lease lets the tenant know they may get by easy and the landlord is not that experienced. Experienced landlords us a Property Management Company anyway. We already have attorneys we use when necessary and they are easy for us to reach out to.
This list could be much more detailed but most people will get enough information from it. Being a landlord is worth it and you can definitely profit from being one. The long-term benefits of leasing property have made many people very wealth. Live long enough to benefit from your gains and take the route of less stress. Contact us about being your Property Management Company.
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