Homes for rent in Lakeland FL 33813 are always available. 33813 is the zipcode which includes Eaglebrooke and several other large communities in South Lakeland FL. Lakeland has 5 zip codes that most people search for homes for rent in. The 33813 zip code ranks #3 which is fairly high out of over 10.
On average 9 homes will rent in this zip code each month. 330 have rented in the previous three years which is fairly high for the number of homes available. Since prices have increased lately let's look at the average rental in 2021. Expect the median price to be around $1,700 per month. Lakeland has very few townhomes, condos or villas and yes that $1,700 will get you a nice traditional single family home.
In the 33813 zip-code you will have a bit of a commute if you are headed to I-4. If you are headed to downtown Lakeland, use Google Maps as the traffic can get kind of slow and you may need to adjust your route. If you are headed east or west of Lakeland plan on leaving early or taking the local expressway the 570. To be honest, I take the 570 almost all of the time.
If you own a property in 33813 you have likely been tempted to part with it. If you have chosen the path of long term home ownership then you will probably be considering leasing the home. Reach out to us today and let's discuss placing a tenant in your house for rent in 33813.